Attractive and warm, fluorescent colors always show fashionable gifts. Choosing looks within the neon trend will make you stand out in the crowd, for sure. These tones are differentiated and add an innovative and modern air to their combinations. Footwear won't stay out. The color will mark presence in shoes, sandals and accessories in general. If you don't know how to include the trend in your routine, start slowly. It is worth mixing pieces of more classic tones with some neon point. The light green, orange, pink and yellow colors can change all their appearance, since they are correctly chosen and used in harmony with the rest of the look. Keep your mind open and enjoy this moment to try out different pieces and compose a much cooler style. To choose the neon color that most suits you, the suggestion is to look for alternatives that fall better with the tone of your skin. For brunettes, the shades of yellow and orange are great requested. The blondes can risk without fear in the rose and green, for example. The most important thing is you feel comfortable, so show your modern look with confidence. Source: Girls & Shoes