Industries of leather inputs and footwear participating in export promotion project invoiced $23 million with the international market from January to October, 35% advance.
Leather and footwear component-producing companies invoiced $23.6 million with exports from January to October this year, with 35% growth over the same period of 2015. The value refers to sales made by industries participating in the Footwear Components by Brazil project, of promotion to segment exports.
The initiative is carried out by the Brazilian Association of Component Companies for Leather, Footwear and Artefatos (Assintecal) and the Brazilian Agency for Promotion of Exports and Investments (Apex-Brasil).
Material released by the project informs that the materials industry for the coureiro calçadista sector "must move from the curve when using export as one of the ways for business diversification and market enlargement".
In the month of October individually the project's member companies had revenue of US$18.8 million with the external market, 1% more than in September and 40% more than the same month of 2015. According to Footwear Components by Brazil, the exports of the group participating in the project represented 41.3% of the total sold in the international market by the Brazilian industry of the area in the month of October.
The products are marketed in 77 markets abroad. The main are China, Argentina, India, Germany and Mexico.
Source: Export News