According to the infographic released by Visa, the term Millennials represents the generation of people born between 1981 and 1995. In this infographic, Visa analyzed the consumer profile of this generation. According to the infographic, 30% of the Brazilian population is composed of this generation and they are the ones that most focus their shopping on: clothing, restaurants and department stores. Millennials form the generation that less invests money in medical accounts and supermarkets, and carry out monetary operations 15x per month. According to Visa, the average ticket of this generation is 26% lower than that of the X generation, but it does the same number of transfers. In addition, they are the people who most shop via e-commerce, with more than 20% of the total transactions carried out virtually. According to Visa, this generation is subdivided into Younger Millennials, born between 1981 and 1990, and the Older Millennials, born between 1991 and 1995. The Older Millennials are more digital than the Younger, due to the fact that the younger are more financially dependent on parents and use less e-commerce than those born in the 1981s. Millennials generation is also known as the generation Y and this group of people are always with the mobile on their hands and ready to make their purchases online at any time, just press a button. There are still studies that prove that 80% of the people of this generation sleep with the cell phone next to the bed. A point that this generation takes a lot into account at the time of online shopping is the experience provided. These people like custom shopping and feel important, such as Amazon's website, by logging in, the site adapts to the consumer profile, both in product offerings, and website design. In addition, the experience provided for the realization of the purchase must be the same on various platforms, that is, if there are differences in how to complete the purchase on the mobile or through the computer, Millennial will give up the purchase. Another point that this generation takes into consideration is the possibility of making your purchases as a "guest" from the store, but what does that mean? It means that if there is the possibility of making the purchase without the need to fill out a form that asks for various information about the customer, or that does not require a client registration, it is much more likely that Millennial will complete the purchase and return to your site to buy other times. Source: Visa and E-commerce Brazil.